What is Know There?

Know There is a United States geography and history subscription package. Each Month you will receive a package about a different state. NO REPEATS! You will learn all about the geography, history, and the fun facts that make each state unique. Each package will include around 15 pieces including crafts, puzzles, historical figures and more! 

What age is Know There for? 

Know There is for all ages. From children to adults, Know There has something for everyone. We believe in connection, learning and joy! Every child is different and skill sets vary, but 5-6 years old is a great age to start, although younger children will enjoy the information being read to them! Children as young as 2 can complete the crafts with the help of an adult. Children of any age will love to receive their very own package in the mail!

What is included?

Each package will include about 15 pieces, including: an introduction letter about the state, a coloring book, a flag magnet, a recipe & food card, a historical figure card, 1-3 surprise cards, a post card, a Know There Idea List, 2 crafts or puzzles, a map, a crossword, a word search, and a pin. Each new subscriber will receive a fabric map to decorate as you learn about each state and a recipe card cover with a ring to collect your recipes! 

What are your subscription options? 
We provide you with 3 subscription options: monthly, semi-annually, and yearly. Monthly subscribers will be billed on the 5th of every month. Semi-annual subscribers will be billed every 6 months, and Annually will be billed yearly. Semi-annual subscribers will save 10% while annually save 15%! We also offer sibling packages for families with more than 1 child that want an extra set of activities. Sibling packets include an extra coloring book, post card, crafts, crossword, word-search, and pin. Siblings will also receive their own map in their first package!
New subscribers must subscribe by the 12th of the month to receive the current months package. Please allow 10-15 business days for your package to arrive. If your package doesn’t arrive in that time frame, contact us and we will be happy to resend your package!

*Know There is a pre-paid subscription. Because of this, unfortunately refunds cannot given but you do have the option to cancel anytime. Simply login to your account to manage your subscription. 

Terms of use: Each package is for personal use only. Copies may not be distributed for free. Packages may not be used in giveaways without prior consent.